Y. Jia, J. Abbott, J. Austerweil, T. Griffiths, T. Darrell. Visual Concept Learning: Combining Machine Vision and Bayesian Generalization on Concept Hierarchies. NIPS 2013. [PDF coming soon]
Y. Jia, T. Darrell. Latent Task Adaptation with Large-scale Hierarchies. ICCV 2013. [PDF coming soon]
Y. Jia, M. Han. Category Independent Object-level Saliency Detection. ICCV 2013. [PDF coming soon]
S. Guadarrama, L. Riano, D. Golland, D. Gohring, Y. Jia, D. Klein, P. Abbeel, T. Darrell. Grounding Spatial Relations for Human-Robot Interaction. IROS 2013. [PDF coming soon]
Y. Jia, O. Vinyals, T. Darrell. On Compact Codes for Spatially Pooled Features. ICML 2013. [PDF]
O. Vinyals, Y. Jia, T. Darrell. Why size Matters: Feature Coding as Nystrom Sampling. ICLR 2013 (short paper). [arXiv]
O. Vinyals, Y. Jia, L. Deng, T. Darrell. Learning with Recursive Perceptual Representations. NIPS 2012. [PDF]
S. Virtanen, Y. Jia, A. Klami, T. Darrell. Factorized Multi-modal Topic Model. UAI 2012. [PDF] [Dataset]
Y. Jia, C. Huang, T. Darrell. Beyond Spatial Pyramids: Receptive Field Learning for Pooled Image Features. CVPR 2012. [PDF] [slides]
Y. Jia, T. Darrell. Heavy-tailed Distances for Gradient Based Image Descriptors. NIPS 2011. [PDF] [Supplementary Material]
Y. Jia, M. Salzmann, T. Darrell. Learning Cross-modality Similarity for Multinomial Data. ICCV 2011. [PDF] [Dataset]
A. Janoch, S. Karayev, Y. Jia, J. Barron, M. Fritz, K. Saenko, T. Darrell. A Category-level 3-D Database: Putting the Kinect to Work. ICCV 2011 Workshop CDC4CV. [PDF] [Dataset]
K. Saenko, S. Karayev, Y. Jia, M. Fritz, J. Long, A. Janoch, A. Shyr, T. Darrell. Practical 3-D Object Detection Using Category and Instance-level Appearance Models. IROS 2011. [PDF]
Y. Jia, M. Salzmann, T. Darrell. Factorized Latent Spaces with Structured Sparsity. NIPS 2010. [PDF]
Y. Jia, S. Yan, C. Zhang. Semi-supervised Learning on Evolutionary Data. IJCAI 2009. [PDF]
Y. Jia, Z. Wang, C. Zhang. Distortion-Free Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. ECML 2008.
Y. Jia, C. Zhang. Instance-level Semi-supervised Multiple Instance Learning. AAAI 2008. [PDF]
Y. Jia, J. Wang, C. Zhang, X. Hua. Finding Image Exemplars Using Fast Sparse Affinity Propagation. ACM Multimedia 2008. [PDF]
J. Wang, Y. Jia, X. Hua, C. Zhang, L. Quan. Normalized Tree Partitioning for Image Segmentation. CVPR 2008. [PDF] [matlab code]
F. Nie, S. Xiang, Y. Jia, C. Zhang, S. Yan. Trace Ratio Criterion for Feature Selection. AAAI 2008.
Y. Jia, J. Wang, C. Zhang, X. Hua. Augmented Tree Partitioning for Interactive Image Segmentation. ICIP 2008. [PDF]
F. Nie, S. Xiang, Y. Jia, C. Zhang. Semi-supervised orthogonal discriminant analysis via label propagation. Pattern Recognition, 42:11, 2009. [PDF]
Y. Jia, F. Nie, C. Zhang. Trace Ratio Problem Revisited. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 20:4, 2009. [PDF]
Y. Jia, C. Zhang. Front-view Vehicle Detection by Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method. Pattern Recognition, 42:3, 2009.
Y. Jia, J. Abbott, J. Austerweil, T. Griffiths, T. Darrell. Visually-Grounded Bayesian Word Learning. UC Berkeley EECS Tech Report. [PDF]
Y. Jia. Research on Regularization Based Semi-supervised Learning. Master Thesis, Tsinghua University, 2009.